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Josh Swears @ Elden Ring DLC

Obliviator, Part Two

I always do a couple of these ahead of time because I'm about to enter a Midnight Realm that I feel confident will prepare me for the mind-rending terrors of Friday Night's Arkham Horror game.

Learning Warhammer 40k Tenth Edition!

I had joined the Games Workshop fandom at the tail end of 9th edition. I started out learning standard Warhammer 40k and ended up choosing the Black Templars as my army. While attempting to learn that, I was shown Kill Team which of course I also bought a rule book for and tried to learn. Around this time I discovered they had a whole nother game called Age Of Sigmar with even more armies and so I had to check that out. Then they hit me with Boarding Actions and finally 10th edition. I think I blew some sort of fuse in my brain at that point and had to check out of all of it.  I never really felt like I had a firm grasp of the rules for any of those games. It was just too much too quickly. 


Obliviator, Part One

I don't know if Ambien is sleep, exactly, but it's definitely not lying in bed looking at the ceiling, or pressure-sealed into a Sky Coffin, and that can be a nice change of pace. Gabe had tried it once to great success on the Australian Flight, but the second time he tried it he entered a Devil Dream that lasted almost sixteen hours - one from which he could not wake. As per usual, we tried to shape and mould these horrors into something silly, an attempt at inoculation in the form of a feathered sky serpent called J.D. that at least I found enjoyable. We made a joke about me taking it, mostly just so we could see J.D. again, but until a couple weeks ago I'd never tried it at all. I only had a couple, I mostly ran out, and I'm glad. That's the kind of shit a witch would give you in a fairy tale. I have a little left, like a few crumbs of lembas wrapped in mallorn leaves, and I'll be using it to board one of the motherfucking White Ships to the motherfucking West. I apologize in advance - it would appear Dreaded Continuity has reared its wicked and serpentine head once again.

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