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Age of Sigmar is VERY GOOD #NewAoS

I feel like I play wargames very seriously, but if you look at the bright lights of the space, I barely play them at all. Plus, the hardcore of this realm play in tournaments which sounds very scary. Imagine the overall dynamic, thus: they are members of the FGC. Evo types. I say this not because all that is bad, but because it is true: the community for every game exists in a continuum and I am decidedly not at the apex. Most aren't; that's what makes it the Apex. In comparison, I play Tekken with my friend on the couch. I tried playing Warhammer at a store once, against a stranger with my printed out army list, and it was the most harrowing experience of my gaming career.  It's just not who I am.  I suspect the vast majority of us aren't.


True secrets online are quite rare, so when nobody could figure out what was going on with Dr. Disrespect's ban - and then it continued to be a mystery essentially forever, in Internet Time - it was genuinely shocking. When it was ultimately revealed to be about sexting minors via Twitch Whispers, it set off a bunch of secondary detonations. Ejected by the studio he co-founded. Dropped by Turtle Beach, FanDuel, NBA 2K24, and somehow, also, known sports team The San Francisco 49ers? He's also been demonetized from YouTube, the place he went when Twitch kicked him out. As exiles go, it's quite robust.

July Sticker Pack Preview

I’ll be dropping the July Sticker Packs off at the office next week and I wanted to do a quick post to show you what to expect. I also need to mention that with this July edition we are going back to doing 100 packs per month. I’m glad we were able to do a few packs at 200 but that number was becoming too much for the Krahulik fam and our non-professional equipment to keep up with. For the last half of the year we’ll be doing 100 of each pack. There will still be the professionally printed stickers with large runs in the store but the homemade packs are getting even more limited edition. 




Don't Skip Ale&Tale Tavern!

By Gabe – June 26, 2024

I’m constantly on the hunt for fun cooperative games to play with the fam. It can be tricky because everyone tends to want something a little different. I just recently discovered a new winner though and after completing the demo with Kara I had to come tell you about Ale&Tale Tavern!



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