Two things to keep in mind when sampling today's product: one, I love Warlords. It's got these cool castles, and you have to kind of bounce these things. Two: due to lack of sleep, poor diet, or some commingling of the two, dreaded Continuity has us at a disadvantage. We will do our best to cast off its deleterious effects by Friday - but we promise nothing!
I wrote a lot in this space for a very long time about Monday's comic, and what I'm sure people thought were their erudite responses to it. Then, as I was wrapping it up - that is to say, finishing it, not wrapping it as such - I received a fairly hum-drum bit of hate mail. I initially included it on the page here, but I can't recall why. You may rest assured that it dealt largely with my homosexuality.
Then, as I deleted everything I'd written on the off chance that it might entertain him, it occurred to me: What a bright-red bucket of fun this is. I endeavored primarily to inform with my post, to lay out a variety of perspectives on the issue, with links to no less than three fairly robust discussions I thought would be more revealing than any I might pantomime here with you. The main issue for me - the chilling effect that often accompanies these roving packs of rapacious lawyers, off the leash and on the prowl - came across as well as I could do it, i.e., I managed to incorporate both dogs and coats. I marked the date on my calendar, appending a small note which read: "Dogs/Coats, Wr. Jat Mips." The first part seems clear enough, and I'd say that "you just had to be there" re: the Jat Mips issue, except that I was there, and it still doesn't make any fucking sense.
I can't seem to write anything at the moment. Well, that's not true. I can't seem to write anything I don't delete immediately afterward.
(CW)TB out.