We spent the morning peeling Resistance 3, but like all people with an Internet connection we were also quite curious about Game with The Trailer.
The version of the game we played was apparently not the actual version of Dead Island, a matter we discuss in today's strip.
There were dark intimations of PC purity being corrupted by foul console toys, UI mismatch and so forth, when these kinds of artifacts are mostly to do with a multiplatform development environment and the fact that, in this case, this build should never have seen public scrutiny. Unless the concern has to do with the fact that games are made for multiple platforms at all, in which case... you need to right click on your mind and do a manual sync with reality, maybe.
The charge is especially funny because, to me, this game is so PC it hurts. Personal Computer, not Politically Correct, although you've got the standard harangues about not being able to slaughter children. No, this has got all the hallmarks of the innovative, out of the way PC darling: poorly explained, often goofy, just on the edge of technological wreckage, and yet still, in a wholly inexplicable fashion, relentlessly intriguing.
Even with this wholly sundered piece of software, we managed to connect once in an afternoon otherwise littered with lost packets and uninvited stranger joins. The rest of the time was spent being invaded by the likes of "Poopship McGee" and other handles which followed the same algorithmic form. But those ten perfect, functioning minutes... my goodness. We saw, indeed, we inhabited their intention, however briefly: a cooperative, open world, survival RPG. It's a dream so vast that it very nearly has mass; I'm tempted to laud them merely for attempting it. The actual version is up now, in the US at least. I'm prepared to spend as much time as it takes finding those ten minutes again.
(CW)TB out.