Gabriel went into incredible detail about today's strip already, so I don't think I'm one hundred percent required to. A smarter person would look at the double threat nature of a MIke Krahulik and say, "Huh. Maybe my utility here is precarious," but not me. Not me! Not having to do a post for a comic I didn't have to draw is the optimal scenair - "scenair" being the new truncation I've come up with for scenario. I wouldn't have had the time to make that great word if I'd been doing worky type horseshit.
He does mention the utility of the occasional calibration near the end, a service Piro used to provide, when we used to hit the same cons and (loosely) address some of the same topics. When I say "calibration," I mean "an opportunity to recognize the intense fragility and scale disparities between yourself and the universe." It's good to be reminded of this. I don't want to build anything I'm just gonna have to dismantle later; I won't invest in a self that requires other people's adulation for nourishment. It's a dangerous and even stupid goal if you have any intention of being your own person.
Gabe and I were gonna play some more Ape Out on the stream this afternoon, but the Switch got left at home - but it's okay, because Devil May Cry 5 just came down and everything I know about it is completely nuts. I think, but cannot prove, that it's possible to attack someone with a motorcycle in it. Not, like, to just run into them like you would think, the classic way, but to literally hit them with it like you would a sword. I'm fucking in. Come hang out at 2pm PST!
(CW)TB out.