I considered some more Vault 77, but the new Transformers trailer had just hit and we talked about that instead. I always think that I like Transformers a normal amount, that there is something universal in these warring cults of conscious machines, but I think that I might actually like them way more than other people and quite possibly I like them a weird amount.
The trailer is pretty whatever - this is a new excursion for them, sort of a robot coming of age type story, where Megatron and Optimus Prime are bros at some earlier period of time and slapstick features prominently. It's a little too much for me, but I already outed myself as a "fansformer" or whatever that community calls its adherents. I don't watch Rescue Bots either, you know? That's okay.
I am a primary source for information regarding the release of the first Transformers film, but I had no idea that the film wasn't considered a success at the time and was controversial for being a commercial that not only pushed purchase action messages but murdered the toys you had at home. You can extract from the Wikipedia article that mercenary demands to clear some or all of the existing slate of toys weighed on the script, and were forced in over writers' plaintive cries.
This type of meta-analysis - The Discourse - did not exist at the time, because there was no place for the film's primary audience to have it. Young people, broadly, had no voice in that world. The main thing I would have tried to communicate at the time was the feeling on your scalp when Lion's hair metal version of the theme kicked in. This song is essentially a core sample taken from 1986, and has much to teach us about that time period. No doubt it is being studied extensively. It's much better than every other song this band made, and I think about that a lot. Maybe because they were making a song for a movie about alien robots for kids, they could actually have fun? It shows:
(CW)TB out.