We did play some Kill Team Lite for a very particular reason which I won't spoil, but I haven't played it in a minute so I feel confident I got virtually every rule wrong. Plus, there was another issue that marred the studio session but because it is incredibly shameful I am loathe to relate it here. Not shameful for me in the least - if anything, I'm invigorated - but it is very shameful for someone else. So shameful I decided to put it on display in a public place where many, many people could see it.
I have somehow played a lot of Monster Hunter, in single player and multiplayer, without finishing a campaign. I know; it's super weird. Something else always comes up or comes back and I hang up my medieval bassoon truncheon forever. I skipped World altogether because I knew that in the end I would be dumb and leave most of it uneaten. I would just kick it with friends and knock wyverns the fuck out. I never got all the way out to the back of the campaign, I just liked the vibes and essentially filled up on bread for twenty or thirty hours. Wilds is the first time I've pushed through, probably because they made this campaign specifically to be The One You Finish. It's "easy and short" I heard, so I decided to go through with the Gunlance which I've never fucked with before. It took me sixteen hours or so but I will admit that I would occasionally skip cutscenes because I wanted to play Monster Hunter. But I did see enough to where I got curious and then ended up watching a bunch of them later….? I dunno, man. I'm in the M-Hole. If somebody tried to make fun of Wyvern Milk I would be all "It's a metaphor you cretin!!!"
It's been a delight to play directly with Mork on his Playstation from my PC; we're moving into an era where such treasures are commonplace. Of course, I got to the endgame at the exact moment Gabe had done everything he was gonna do. I'm all dressed up (in steaming monster entrails) with no place to go.
(CW)TB out.