Okay so today is the first day of our gaming weekend and we will be playing Neocron all day. I know that a lot of you are probably having a hard time actually getting your hands on a copy of the game. I'm sorry about that, I guess there were some issues with the CD keys and junk. If you do get a copy I have been told that changing all the plusses in the CD key to zeros will solve your problems. I am guessing that most of the people we are seeing in Neocron today are in the UK. Just so you know we will be playing until about 6:00 am UK time. That's 10:00 pacific and some other time for all the other time zones, you do the math.
If you aren't able to get into Neocron today though don't worry. Tomorrow we will be at it again with totally different games. Tycho will be jumping around between UT2k3, BF1942 and Natural selection. Me, I'll be spending most of the day playing MechAssault on Xbox Live. My gamer tag is "Gabe". Feel free to ad me to your friends list so we can get down.
I am gonna get back to punching scorpions and enjoying the ladies at the pussy club. Hope to see some of you there.
Gabe out