I think Alias Sketchbook is absolutely incredible. Feel free to take a look at the sketch below and decide for yourself.

Believe it or not that was drawn on my tablet PC using Alias Sketchbook. It looks just like a Goddamned Pencil drawing if you ask me. Sketching into it feels so natural that occasionally I forget that I'm using a stylus instead of a pencil and that my lines are being rendered by an 800 MHz Pentium 3.
The Holiday has sort of fucked up my Over Easy schedule. Well actually that's not true. I fucked up my Over Easy schedule by being a procrastinating bastard who didn't start on it until the month was nearly half over. I told myself I'd spend some time yesterday working on OE but the call of the bird was too much for me. It was Kara's first time cooking a turkey and I'll be damned if it didn't turn out absolutely amazing. As I stuffed my face with juicy bird, mashed potatoes and stuffing I knew that my plan of working on OE was a joke. I spent the rest of the day drunk on turkey, watching Star Wars and playing Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance. The long and short of it is page three of OE may not hit your mail box until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. That's really not so terrible when you consider the fact that Tycho has been working on a Penny Arcade card game for like a year and a half. There, now I don't look so bad do I? So what do you have to say for yourself Tycho? Lazy fuck.
-Gabe out