Last week I got some new cables and I spent a large part of Thanksgiving Day wedged behind my television set stripping speaker wire and replacing cables. After I was done I sat back on my couch and took a look at my setup. While it's true that my wiring job was a work of art it was hidden behind the television set where no one could see it. What people could see was my ass ugly book shelf kind of thing holding all my equipment.
Here is an old picture of it I had laying around.

If you are in your mid twenties living on your own or in a dorm you no doubt have a similar piece of furniture. Maybe you found it on the side of the road or perhaps it was given to you. I honestly can't remember how I acquired this particular item but I know that for as long as I have had it, it has never had any shelves in it. I could see holes on the inside where shelf supports probably used to be but they were long gone now. It had a fake wood finish that in the 80's probably looked pretty swanky. Basically it was a pile of crap and I was sick of looking at.
Well this weekend I decided to do something about it. I had been looking around at some cool case mods when I realized that these were dorks making these bad ass cases. Sure some of them probably had some carpentry skills but for the most part these were gamers just like me. I thought, if they can fix up a computer case like that I should be able to fix up my stupid little shelf. So I went to Home Depot and got some sandpaper, paint, and had some Plexiglas shelves cut. I spent all day working on it and I'll be goddamned if it didn't turn out pretty fancy. I felt like Ty fucking Pennington from Trading Spaces. Take a look for yourself.

Now I'm looking around the house for other shit I can fix up. Every book shelf and night stand looks like it could use a couple coats of paint and some polyurethane. Unfortunately Kara took my sandpaper away after an unfortunate incident that I would like to reiterate here, I am VERY VERY sorry for.
-Gabe out