I am in a really good mood right now. There was a good sized protest last night in Seattle and it’s all over the news today. They are running video of it on all the local news channels. There is nothing I love more than watching hippies get the shit kicked out of them by cops on TV. I’m not saying I like cops or that I think one side was right and the other wrong. Honestly I am too apathetic to care about it either way. All I know is that for me it just doesn’t get any better than some as clown in a gasmask and a pair of Birkenstocks getting a face full of pepper spray. Now that is good television. Cops even used something I had never heard of called “sting grenades” and judging by the reaction of the hippies I saw they lived up to their name. They could just show protests and animal attacks on TV 24/7 and I’d be a happy camper. Like that one lady who tried to take her picture with the polar bear and got her leg chewed off. Oh God…that one still cracks me up.
-Gabe out