Tycho is right, the PA event on Monday was fucking awesome. I've uploaded some pictures here. As you can see from the pictures we had a full house.
I would like to take two seconds and talk about why I like Penny Arcade so much, I hope that you don't mind.
This event made me realize some things about PA. Penny Arcade fans are a special breed. The fact is that we packed this place with close to three hundred people and we all got along like friends. The vibe over on the SC2 machines was so fucking cool. It was like being in your buddy's basement passing the controller around. People were happy to show others how they did a certain move or just take someone who had never played through the basics. Not only was everyone super cool but I didn't lose a single controller or extension cable all day. I mean, I brought all kinds off connecters, dongles and cables and they were being constantly passed around. Not only that but we had two X-Arcade sticks floating around, each with their own set of adaptors. At the end of a twelve hour gaming marathon with 300 people I looked in my box and I had every single piece of equipment I brought with me. I'm telling you right now, Penny Arcade fans are the fucking best.
The event was such a huge success that I can't imagine us not doing it again next month. We are looking into ways to make the next one even cooler. Maybe some demos from a few of the game studios in the area. If you work at a game company or something and you'd like to be a part of the next event in some way just fire me off an email. Maybe you work for Nintendo and you want to bring down a copy of Crystal Chronicles or F-Zero. Maybe you work at MS and you want to show off some Halo 2 shit. The fact is, this event was huge and the next ones only gonna be bigger.
Aslo, congratulations to Jesse who took first place in the SC2 tournament. He was just one of a group of guys from the local SC2 scene that came down and played with us. If you’re interested in taking your SC2 game to the next level like them I highly recommend checking out the soulcalibur.com forums.
Thanks to everyone who came out. I hope you all had as good a time as I did. I'll see you guys next month.
-Gabe out