Every time I see a new screenshot from Doom 3 I chuckle. I just can’t help it. I mean these have to be some of the most uninspired creature designs ever. The idea is that you’re fighting monsters from Hell but the best the devil or whatever can come up with is a skeleton with guns on his shoulders. It’s like the devil is a 7th grader who hates his mom and draws pentagrams on his notebooks during intro to physical science.
You can tell when you look at Doom 3 that the focus of the company is on technology. I think Doom 3 will be a fantastic game engine but I think they are wasting their time trying to make a game with it. They obviously do not have any creative people working there. They should just put out the engine and let someone like Raven use it to make something genuinely interesting with it.
There is nothing wrong with not being creative. They should not be ashamed of the fact that they cannot create compelling concepts or characters. Just be satisfied with the fact that you can make the best game engines around and concentrate on doing that.
I may talk about Tiger Woods 2004 later if I don’t just return it today. I understand that EA hates Microsoft and that they want to handle their own multiplayer shit. So instead of letting gamers play the game on Live we have to play it on EA’s matchmaking service, which is pretty much like Live except take out all the features that make Live awesome and add in a bunch of bullshit. Oh and I love that I can play Socom with 15 other people but I can only play a round of golf with one. I guess that EA’s servers just couldn’t handle the fast and furious action of a four player round of golf. A fat lot of fucking good the new four player modes like Best ball do me when I can’t even play them online. Pure fucking stupidity.
-Gabe out