There's a bunch of great stuff coming out of the Tokyo Game Show, a summary of which is easy to grab at Gamespot. Of personal interest to me is this Monster Hunter Trailer, which looks like an invigorating online Action RPG, a welcome Mega Man RPG, that Phantasy Star Online Card Game for whatever reason, and, obviously, a little Ghost never hurt nobody.At the same show, Nintendo announced a wireless adapter for their GBA. I was excited about it, until I realized games needed to support it specifically. As it stands, I'll care about something like this when it's built in to the GameBoy that comes out next year, you know? The one developers apart from Nintendo will actually give a fuck about.
This guy is great. It's Robert Wientzen, president and CEO of the Direct Marketing Foundation, who would like you to believe that their ability to interrupt your life whenever they want to is somehow enshrined in our nation's founding documents. He only has three points - collect them all!
Good luck getting it, but there's a new trailer out for The Matrix Revolutions now that is information rich. What I'm actually able to download, i.e. the first fifteen seconds, seems very nice!