I got a lot of people sending me mail and asking if I would share my grandfather's thoughts on the Call of Duty Demo. To be honest it was always my intention to do so. In fact Tycho and I are working on an article that will include the interview I did with my Grandpa along with some commentary from Tycho and I. I will tell you that my conversation with him has made me look at these games in different way. I think it's a very important article and I want to make sure we do it right. So it may not show up on the website until next week sometime.
I can't wait to see the pictures of Tycho from this Midway party he is attending. Obviously my well documented phobia of all things new and or exciting kept me from accepting their invitation as well. Tycho did promise to drink enough for both of us while he was there though.
I have not read the Dune series Tycho is talking about but I have read a lot of Kevin J. Anderson books. Obviously I've read all his Star Wars stuff but I enjoyed those so much that I picked up some of his other Sci-Fi books as well. I've really liked everything I've read from him so I'm not sure what to make of Tycho's opinion on the Dune books. He seemed really angry when he started telling me about them though, so I figured it was best just to nod my head and agree.
Speaking of Star Wars books I just finished the latest book in the New Jedi Order series. For those of you reading this series along with me I highly recommend Final Prophecy. I felt like the last few books in the series have been sort of lame. They aren't terrible books but it seems like Star by Star sort of set the bar for the NJO books and no one has been able to come close to it in terms of action or suspense. The next bunch of books just sort of let the story sit and didn't really push it along at the same pace as the earlier books. Just my opinion but I think Final Prophecy does a pretty good job of bringing back some of the momentum we felt after reading Star by Star.
I purchased a new camera a few days ago. We will be attending the Las Vegas comic con at the end of the month and since Kara and I have never been I wanted a nice camera. This means two things for you. Number one, you can expect some cool pictures of the convention. Number two, in the meantime you will be forced to endure pictures of my kitties.

-Gabe out