Gabe received quite a bit of mail saying that it was perfectly normal - even natural - for a young man to desire an Apple Cinema Display. That's fine. Buy actually purchasing an Apple, that's beyond the pale. God only knows what's beyond the pale, hues presumably, but it's commonly understood that you should avoid that region if possible.
But there are aesthetic considerations to be made, as well. I'm tired of feeling like a complete asshole because my UI looks sort of dumb and theirs looks like a delicious, high-tech Jolly Rancher. Well, incrementally, you can get most of the way there with stuff by StarDock.
They have many, many different programs that will move you one step a a time towards a completely customizable interface, complete with really wild transitions for windows and all kinds of stuff, but I can't personally recommend those things because I haven't used them. I'm always sort of afraid to give my UI over completely to a third-party program, that's not a comment on StarDock or anything I'm just afraid about stability and performance where things like my entire fucking computing experience are concerned. Gabe and I are well pleased with reader suggestion ObjectDock, however.
It essentially lets you have that kick-ass OSX program chooser in Windows if you want, and it supports truly gigantic icons that stay crunchy - even in milk. You can populate your dock with clever scripts, abilities, and truly succulent icons over at WinCustomize, if you so desire. And I have a feeling you will.