Flying into Las Vegas made me realize that all other complaints I have made regarding turbulence were wild exaggerations, uncorroborated by reality. I'm not sure this pilot had ever flown before. I have never in my life felt motions like this, the plane tracing complex pictograms in some devil's language. Kara suggested that I have a mint, which she said would help, and I tried to imagine how a piece of candy would improve the impact and subsequent explosion of the aircraft. She was right, though. I closed my eyes and focused on the taste of it, that coordinate in the living universe, and fashioned for myself a green world prior to the invention of planes.
Hello from Las Vegas. I'm sorry that this is late, but I thought they would have some kind of internet solution at our hotel which proved foolhardy.
We have produced for you a comic which concerns our first night here, and is sketched according to ancient con traditions. I really like to gamble, a lot, I am almost positive I have some sort of untreated disorder. Always before it has been slots, and it was slots again last night. Tonight, though, I'm ready to try my hand at losing the real money. Everybody always sends you down here with their own illicit, homebrewed mechanism for gambling success - lucky machines, rituals, etcetera. I don't know if you've ever seen the Las Vegas strip, heaped itself like a buffet with faux cultures and obscene proclamations of wealth and grandeur. I'm just saying it's not hard to tell who has the winning strategy around here.
For some reason, I had thought of this place and geekery as exclusive propositions, but I don't think that's really borne out. For one thing, like creatures at the cracks in the bottom of the sea, our people can survive in the harshest conditions. I see arcades here frequently, and even if they're just to occupy children while daddy bets their home they serve our purpose. Obviously, a comic convention out here will produce a sort of geek algae bloom - but one thing I have heard spoken of with consistent affection is the Star Trek Experience and Quark's Bar. I'd link you to those things, but I don't have internet access - I'm sure you understand. At any rate, the "Experience" is a ride that I imagine is similar conceptually to Star Tours. Quark's Bar is, of course, a recreation of the establishment in Deep Space Nine, finest of all Trek Series.
I hope to see you at this thingy we're at, although I realize that Las Vegas might be somewhat out of the way - look for us in the 900's, near the end, right by Dumbrella. My heart is sick with the thought of all those releases while we're over here, should you remain at home I need you to play Call Of Duty online in my stead. Something tells me I'm asking the right group of people.
(CW)TB out. riding around on my bike with no helmet