We will be at Sakuracon again this year. It's at the Seattle Airport Hilton and Conference Center and Marriott Hotel April 23rd to April 25th. You can get all the details at the website if you're interested. We are gonna have two brand new posters available for purchase at Sakuracon. Here's a peek at the posters.

In other con related news, I want to talk with you about PAX. PAX stands for the Penny Arcade Expo and it's going to kick your fucking ass. There's gonna be Lan gaming, console gaming, table top and whatever else you can think of. There will also be various game companies there showing off their new titles. I'll give you more details as we get closer. Right now we are looking for volunteers to help us run this beast. If that sounds like something you'd like to do please send an email to pax@penny-arcade.com.
Oh, and Twisp And Catsby will be starring in their own adventure very soon.
-Gabe out