In Tycho’s post above he says, “since the betas apparently go out to people who aren't familiar with the fucking Tribes universe while I'm at home jacking off to the Starsiege manual,”
His link there is to an article over at the Firing Squad. I honestly had no idea this site was still around, so when he came in one day screaming about it I was a bit surprised. I vaguely remembered that it was the pet project of some guy who was real good at Quake, named Trash or Fresh or something. Anyway, I got Tycho to calm down a little bit and he told about this write up they did about the new Tribes beta. One line in particular really got to him. I think it was this one:
“Tribes: Vengeance isn't a sequel but a prequel. How this is possible in a world almost completely devoid of a story is difficult to say, but it clearly does occur before the other two titles. Everything has a more primitive, industrial look.”
Wow, Tycho ANGRY!
I’ll say right now that I don’t know a lot about Tribes besides the fact that it’s super fun. Tycho on the other hand knows way too much about it. I can recall at one point asking him a question about the back-story. That was a mistake. He must have talked for a goddamned hour about the Starsiege universe. He showed me a six inch thick game manual which he referred to as the “bible” and he waved it wildly in air as he spoke. I’m still not sure I know very much about the Tribes story. What I do know is that there is a whole lot of story there. In fact I think Tribes is the only game that Tycho ever actually wrote fan fiction for. Maybe if you ask real nice he’ll even post it for us.
-Gabe out