I picked up Republic Commando for the Xbox yesterday. It is totally fucking awesome. The multiplayer feels tacked on but I don't really care. The single player game is the best Star Wars experience I've had since the first KOTOR.
I saw this screen shot from the upcoming EQ2 adventure pack and I couldn't help but laugh.

All the stuff I see from EQ2 looks like it was made by seventh graders with Bryce 3D and Poser. It all looks like 3D clip art.
I'm assuming that the concept art for this particular monster must have looked something like this.

You might have to refresh a few times but you should see an ad for Freedom Force over there on the right. We had the idea to draw an ad that looked like it was from an old comic book and the guys over at Irrational actually let us do it. I had a real good time drawing it as it's way different from the stuff I normally do.
With the consolidation of giant publishers it's rare that you get to support a developer directly anymore. Irrational has developed this game with their own money and now they're selling it via their own online store. This isn't just an opportunity to get a great game, it's a chance to support a talented developer and give a big fuck you to the publishers.
Gonna grab Devil May Cry 3 today. I'll let you know how it is.
-Gabe out