It happens a lot, English-speakers get wind of the free beta period running on some odd, inventive MMO hauled from the Game Mines of Korea. There's a bloom of activity, and then I never hear about it again. It's possible that it already happened for Shot Online - if that's true, I apologize. If not, I mean... This is pretty wild. The game told me I could play until what they called "Level 10" for free, but as far as I know there's no charge at all currently.
It's a Golf MMO if you can imagine such a thing. I think it plays almost exactly like the Hot Shots series, which is a positive thing. But you create characters of various types that have stats and energy, and must practice... You get it. You know what Golf is. I also obtained some kind of elixir. Don't know what that is about yet.
I found links to a few other games from that site as well - Legend of Mir3, some kind of martial arts MMO called d.o, and a naval action game with customizable battleships (!!!) called Navy Field. These games tend to be pretty English friendly for the most part - and in the rare cases such things aren't true they tend to have enthusiastic communities that craft extremely detailed F.A.Qs in your native tongue.