If there was an Olympic event that involved creating concepts for comic books and then never completing them Tycho and I would have a case full of gold medals. Coming up with ideas for stories, starting the project and then never following through is really a sort of hobby for us. With that disclaimer out of the way I’d like to show you something we came up with last week.
You will of course need to be a member of our Penny Arcade Supreme™ service in order to see this bonus content. Becoming a member is easy though, you just need to log on to our website. So if you’re reading this, congratulations you’re a member!
Click on the thumbnail here if you think it looks interesting and you’d like to see more.

I loved Shadow Hearts II and I saw today that the next one will be hitting March 7th. I’ve heard that you can still collect gay porn in the new game. I haven’t heard if you can still trade the porn to homosexual tailors in order to make new dresses for your doll. That’s a feature I’d hate to lose so keep your fingers crossed.
Grandia III ships tomorrow. I’ve been watching this game for months and it looks damn good. I think it might even drag me away from WOW for a few days but we’ll have to see.
-Gabe out