Thank you to everyone who wrote me yesterday to help with my DLP TV situation. The problem appears to be fixed now. I upgraded to component cables, I set the input for the PS2 as “game” in the TV’s menu and I turned off the digital noise reduction. All of this combined seems to have solved the lag issue I was having. I really appreciate all the help guys.

Just a couple PAX things to mention. First off, the BYOC option of the PAX registration site is now open. So if you’d like to Bring Your Own Computer please do. If you already registered and you’d like to BYOC you should have gotten an email explaining what to do. If not fire off an email to and he will get you set up. Also the exhibition hall is already 70% full. I took a peek at the white board this morning that lists all the exhibitors and it’s looking damn good. Just glancing at it I saw NCsoft, Mythic, Ubisoft, Nvidia, and Creative Labs.
Also, we’re making toys! Our first step into the world of toys will be in the form of a five figure package. Right now we’re trying to decide who the first five characters will be. We figure Gabe and Tycho should be in there for sure but beyond that I’d like to hear from you guys. I made a poll in the forums for you all to vote on what characters you’d like to see in the first batch of toys. This will be one package with five figures in it and the box should double as a cool little diorama. You’ll notice that the Fruit Fucker, Div, Twisp and Catsby and a few others are not listed. This is because we have other toy related plans for them. So check out the poll and help us pick some characters for our first set.
-Gabe out