If you’re going out to pick up Gears today (who isn’t?) and you pick up the collectors edition you’ll get a fancy art book. I’ve been told that the Gears fan artwork I did was so well received by the developers that they actually included it at the last minute in the book. I haven’t seen it for myself yet but I’m really excited to go pick it up today. If you missed it, this was the piece I did.
The challenge for me was to simplify the armor in order to make it match my style. The Gears world is hyper detailed and my style is essentially the exact opposite. In my head I was thinking “Gears the animated series”. Simplifying such a complex design and still making it read as Gears of War was a really fun challenge. I think I probably could have pushed the exaggeration of their bulk a bit further but overall I’m happy with it.
I’ve been updating my gabeart blog with some FFXII fan art recently. Today I need to create the cover for our fourth book “birds are weird”. I posted my sketch for it this morning over there and I’ll try to keep updating with my progress through inks and colors.
The blog got mentioned on some kind of “blogs of note” section of blogger.com and all of a sudden the threads were full of people pimping their own sites. I took a break for a bit hoping that they would all leave and it seems to have worked. I really just wanted it to be a place where I could share some of the stuff I’ve learned and my process with other PA readers who were interested. I don't need some nun telling me that a "gift like mine should be used to draw attention to the lives of the saints."
-Gabe out