You might want to see this, or you might not: I know that Gabriel has sworn off all exposure to the game, which may also be your policy. Even so, this is the first time they've shown the distaff side of the character creator, so maybe you'll rescind your earlier mandate. A video with a similar theme popped up over at 1up as well, and it does things a little differently: I don't like its look at the character creator as well, but the cut they have of the intro is far superior. If you watched the other one, you're in for a penny, in for a pound: you should check it out.
There's a lot of other content out today as well at GameTrailers - but the whole thing is a minefield of spoilers so I'll understand if you hold back. The intro itself (from the 1up cut) is perfectly executed. Understand that I am almost the optimal audience for this sort of game, but even so. I see a lot of game content, and you need to dig pretty deep to generate actual wonder.
I was excited to learn that they got Jack Wall in to do the soundtrack - he's worked with BioWare before, but he also did the soundtrack for Myst IV: Revelations - one of my all-time favorites.