So we got a lot of questions at Sakura-Con about the state of our game. Everyone seemed to want to know when it would be done. Well the truth is that episode 1 is done or at least what they call "content complete". We're actually hard at work on Episode 2 now and have been for a little while. Episode 1 is currently going through some hard core bug testing as well as Microsoft's own certification process. In the meantime we actually need your help to make sure that once the game is ready we'll be able to deliver it.
I'd like to introduce you all to Greenhouse. We developed Greenhouse along with Hothead originally because we needed a way to deliver our game to you guys. what we needed was a platform agnostic digital distibution portal. Once it was done we realised that it could actually be super useful to other independent developers. At first Greenhouse will be the place to get our game but eventually we'd like to use it as a way of promoting great independent games that might otherwise slide under the radar. Like PAX and Child's Play and all the other stuff we do we're starting out simple. We've got big ideas though and I'm excited about building Greenhouse into something really special.
The site is in beta now and we could actually use your help to test it. Tycho and I recorded a podcast about our experience making the game and we purposefully left it uncompressed in order to mimic the file size of our game. We'd like you guys to head over there and download it so that when we send you over for the actual game we don't destroy the hardware. This is a test of the equipment so please even if you don't care about the podcast so much we'd like for you to try and pull it down. If you encounter any problems with the downloader please fire off an email to Thanks for your help with this.
Also, there is an interview with us over at Wired about Greenhouse.
-Gabe out