I've been lax in mentioning this one, and I've done you a disservice. Built atop a tile-sliding, almost ultracasual matching game is an array of strategic assaults with very strong art and truly jubilant multiplayer. You may find yourself delighted by the trailer. It's from Pieces Interactive, it's Windows only, and there's a demo you should check out here.
There's also a new version of On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode One on Greenhouse as well, with new difficulty settings, an additional unlockable difficulty setting for people who want to get their asses kicked, and support for Triumphs and Standings.
Episode Two came out during the 2008 deluge, when people were up their eyes in games, but I think there is some really funny stuff in this one. I like the first Episode, certainly, but I learned a lot from it that i tried to bake in on my second go.