It seems like my players just can't stop twittering during our Monday night D&D games. Kiko actually ends up making a pretty complete log of the evening with pictures and everything. I've had a few people ask me about one of the pics he uploaded from our last game.
The wooden tower in the background there is actually a dice randomizer. I've been meaning to mention it for a while now but I keep forgetting. My BFF Brad had a Birthday last month and I wanted to get him something really cool but also D&D related since we were all getting so into it. I ended up purchasing this tower for him from Geek Chic. If you attended the Child's Play charity dinner last year, you'll remember these are the guys who make the incredible Sultan gaming table. Well they also make these really classy dice towers and I was even able to have it customized with the symbol of Kord, his Paladin's God.
The Tower itself is just beautifully made and finished. It's been such a hit at the table that sometimes if a roll is super important other players will actually ask to use the Tower. Anyway, like I said I bought it as a gift and it was extremely well received. If you're looking for something to get the D&D fan in your life, I highly recommend it.
Also, yes I did hide a secret message inside my WOW stein and then pretend to be a beggar asking for coins so that I could surreptitiously deliver it to them without drawing the attention of nearby guards.
If you liked today's comic you can watch me draw the entire thing right here. I recorded my live session yesterday and broke it up into two parts. If you want to catch a live show some time you just need to follow me on Twitter.
-Gabe out