I just wanted to drop a reminder that I have collected a bunch of my D&D posts on one page. You can also grab my adventure "Dusk" there. This was my first attempt at taking my notes for an adventure and trying to turn them into something another DM could take and run with. So far I've had 14,145 people download the adventure which I am super happy about. What I don't know for sure is if they actually played it and had fun. So if you grabbed "Dusk" and gave it a try please shoot me a mail and let me know how it went. I'd like to do more of these but first I want to get some feedback.
My regular Monday game is starting back up tonight after being on hiatus for a little over a month. As usual you will be able to follow the game via the PADnD Twitter feed. I'm excited to get back to the table after such a long break.
Finally I want to share a new drawing with you guys. Enjoy.
(Click for a big version)
-Gabe out