The Penny Arcade store will have a bunch of cool stuff this year at PAX.
Here is a look at the T-Shirts we will have on hand. You can see we've added a Hot Dog Fairy shirt this year. It's a PAX inside joke that goes way back. We've also got the PAX 2011 shirt, these go fast every year so if you want one you should try and get it on the first day.
We will also have a few hoodies available even though it will be sunny and in the 70's this weekend.
Those of you with Astro A30 headphones may want to pick up our new Speaker Tags. The design this year features Gabe and Tycho riding a magical unicorn from our anniversary book. You'll be the hit of the Lan party with these super masculine tags!
Finally we are trying out a new bonus system this year. If you buy stuff we will give you free stuff. Here's the breakdown.
-Gabe out