If you are hungry for holiday deals but you don't want to die at a Walmart, might I suggest the Penny Arcade store? We have kicked things up a notch this year and I'm sure you'll find something for yourself or that special nerd in your life.
Before we go into the new stuff let me tell you about our reward levels. We have two reward levels. depending on the level you will get a different reward.
Rewards and Levels: If you spend $30 or more, you get a free Penny Arcade Greeting Card, based on the middle panel to this comic.
If you spend $60 or more, you get a free 11x18 cardstock print of our Keep Calm Respawn Image (Random Color will be chosen, Red or Green)
If you spend $90 or more, you get the first of our Pinny Arcade line, the Merch Pin! We have really big plans for Pinny Arcade and this is the only way to get the Merch pin besides trading for it later.
And here's all of our new stuff for the holiday.
Assassin's Steed Tee/Hoodie
Men's | Women's | Hoodie
Agree With Me Tee/Hoodie
Men's | Women's | Hoodie
Feywild Tee
Men's | Women's Coming Soon
Brickcraft Tee
Men's | Women's
First Party v1.0 Hardcover Notebook Set
Merch/Fleshreaper Hat (back in stock)
As you can see we really went all out this year. I spent yesterday with my family both my real one and my Penny Arcade one. I can tell you that all of us are extremely thankful for the lives you've given us. We get to do what we love with people we love every day and it doesn't get any better than that. I hope you take a look at the stuff we've made for you this year and find a few things you like.
-Gabe out