The Vault Of Winter, Part Seven is now available - I pray it finds you well. We originally considered doing a story because we were working on something else, and that seemed like the best idea; I suggested AcqInc for a storyline next year and then it was all I could think of. It has been our great pleasure giving you something else to think about for the brief periods we were able to.
Generally speaking, people from Seattle are lying when they talk about rain. They're lying as regards the volume and frequency of the material. This happens because while we don't like each other very much, this is a fairly icy town, we like people from elsewhere even less and try to scare them away with thoughts of drowning where they stand. But on years like this one, where it decides not to snow, we have a particular kind of rain that is like ice bullets from space.
It is this spectral horror rain that makes me look at the heaps and heaps of Kickstarted tabletop pleasure all arriving at once, games to play deep inside homes and on tables, and think that perhaps everything is gonna be okay. I backed all kinds of videogames, all kinds, but God only knows when that shit is gonna come out. I got swept up in it, and enjoyed the ride; enjoyed thinking of myself as a node in the distributed publisher of the future. I have no doubt that I will ultimately have paid for nothing on one of these, that I will be made to suffer for all my fond wishes at some point, but you'll never convince me that investing in someone's dream is a poor use of funds. Whenever I am able, I endeavor to make close the gap between our grotesque world of dust and the verdant fronds of an objectively better place.
I could make a home out of all the tabletop Kickstarters aging in my office; mellowing in flavor while I try to sock away enough work to have a taste. We're talking about Flame War, Dreadball, and Disaster Looms for a start; Level 99's Minigame Library is imminent. My game of the year by a wide margin was a Kickstarter, Puzzle Strike Shadows, and if I can ever stop playing it at some point I will tell you exactly why.
(CW)TB out.