The first one was a blast, even at the venue we had, where we had to construct hallways out of canvas and pipe. The main question was, were attendees ready to PAX - PAX as a verb, to PAX properly? The answer came swiftly. It was an answer in the affirmative! There was zero ambiguity. PAX is something we discovered, not something we invented. And it was present in a profound way.
So we're ready to do PAX AUS 2.0, with all the upgrades a full version number increase entails. That means a new venue, one not primarily used for equestrian events: it's at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, which is large and might even be considered vast. That means larger theaters ("theatres") at a minimum. The new dates are just about a year or so out from now: October 31st through November 2nd. You can get tickets to the event I have just described right here, and you absolutely should.