I play Killzone: Shadow Fall multiplayer every night. I love it. Maybe you do the same thing I do when you really get into a game? I hit up all the forums for it just because I can’t seem to absorb enough information about it. I checked out the Shadow Fall forums and saw that people tend to be pretty upset with it. There are apparently frame rate issues, they have “ruined the sniper class”, the SP is “mediocre at best”, it’s simply “wretched” and I guess almost no one is playing it online.
All of that came as a real surprise to me. Had I not tried to check out the Shadowfall community I would have had no idea it was such a bad game. Now I feel sort of weird for liking it so much. Am I just an idiot (don’t answer that) with no idea what makes a game good? I honest to God wondered for a bit if I should stop playing it. Can you believe that? I mean, I don’t want to play something that suck right? That’s ridiculous though! I’m having so much fun playing it that I don’t really care if it’s “bad”. Like I said I play it every night for an hour or so and I’ve even streamed it a couple times. Everytime I stream I see a few people mention that they are surprised at how fun it looks. They thought it was junk but after watching for a bit they wanted to give it a shot. I guess they read the forums and the reviews and just assumed it wasn’t worth their time.
It’s pretty sad when you think about it. I’m very fortunate in that I’m in a position where I buy all this stuff no matter what because it’s my job. I don’t buy games based on what I read online and thank goodness I don’t. I bet I’d have skipped right over Killzone just like a lot of other people seemed to, and I’d have missed out on one of my favorite games of the year.
I’m going to stream again tonight I think. I’ll be on between 9:00 and 9:30 PST and I generally play for about an hour maybe a little longer. I’m happy to chat while I die over and over again so come join me on my Twitch channel or just watch right here:
Watch live video from CWgabriel on www.twitch.tv
-Gabe out