The new site hit last night and we've been following all the feedback. The site is new and will get plenty of updates and tweaks as time goes on so if you’re not digging it, I would urge you do be patient and see how things shake out. With that said, you can always bookmark the page for a more familiar experience. This page gives you all the newsposts with full text and you’re just one click away from the comic strip.
One thing that does seem to be getting an overwhelmingly positive response is Club Pa and that makes me super happy. We really tried to pack in as much cool stuff as we could to make the membership worthwhile. For example Club PA members can start watching the new season of PA:The Series right now while everyone else has to wait a week. The first staff podcast is up and available for members only and you should have access to tomorrow’s comic later this afternoon once we finish it. I’ve seen lot’s of love for the high res strip downloads and I’ve heard from quite a few pin pals who like the Club PA pin. I think the hybrid model of ads for people who just want to come and read the comic and a special membership full of bonus content for people who care about that stuff is the perfect system going forward. Funny that we came up with it about a decade ago.
-Gabe out