We launched Club PA with the new site design and the response has been incredible. We honestly can’t thank you guys enough for the support. We have gotten a ton of great feedback on Club PA and it seems like people really dig all the extra content. There are a couple stand out elements that seem to be the biggest hit amongst the Club members.
The staff podcast has been really popular. You hear a lot from Tycho and I but there’s a bunch of other folks here in the PA office. Each week a group of them get together and record a podcast discussing the stuff going on in the office. It’s a really cool sort of behind the scenes look (or listen I guess?) at what working at Penny Arcade is like. You’ll also hear about upcoming projects and learn how things get done around here. I’ve actually been listening to it myself just because no one here tells me shit.
The other big hit seems to be the PA the series downloads. Streaming our video content works pretty well but Club members can actually download DRM free hi-res copies of all our episodes. It’s great for watching in your secret underground bunker that you refuse to connect to the world wide web because you fear the internet will soon become self aware and begin turning humans into mindless slaves via brain reprogramming commands hidden inside popular animated GIF’s. Or like if you go on a plane trip or something.
I’ve also seen a lot of positive feedback on the high-res strip downloads and the Club PA pin. A few people have gone back in the archive looking at the high-res images and discovered some stuff I put in the comics never expecting it to be readable. Lots of times when I need to write text into a prop in the comic I’ll actually write something in there knowing that people will never be able to see it once the strip gets shrunk. Little did I know we would be showing the original high-res files off at some point. So I think that’s become a fun Easter egg hunt for people trawling the archives.
You can check out the Club PA page to get a full list of all the cool stuff members get. Thanks again for all your support. We literally could not do what we do without you all.
-Gabe out