The last console war I really participated in would have been the Sega Genesis vs. the Super Nintendo. I chose Sonic the Hedgehog as my lord and savior. I got a Genesis for Christmas and managed to convince myself that “Sega did what Ninten-don’t.” Eventually I got my first job though and purchased a Super Nintendo for myself. From that point on I made it my mission to try and own all the consoles. I never had great jobs but when you don’t prioritise things like food and clothing you can afford things like a Saturn and a Playstation. I’ve certainly had preferences over the years but I’ve never felt like that rabid console fanboy again. At least not until last night.
I have a PS4 and an Xbox One obviously but I really didn’t like the new Xbox. I play my PS4 every single day but actually ended up unhooking my Xbox from the television entirely. When COD came out it was a no brainer for me to grab it on the PS4. I beat the single player campaign which was really great and then jumped into the multiplayer. I reached level 15 before I realised all my friends were playing it on Xbox One. It seems that among the folks here in the office, I am the odd man out. I decided that playing with my buddies is a big part of the fun in COD multiplayer so I bought a second copy, this time for the Xbox. I loaded it up last night and jumped into a game with Kiko fully intending to enjoy myself and the first thing I said after the map loaded was “Jesus Christ this looks like shit.”
To be fair it doesn’t look like shit. It just doesn’t look as good as it did on the PS4. I also hate the Xbox controler with it’s loose analog sticks and overall cheap feeling. I hate just using the box. Navigating menus, finding any of my stuff, trying to launch a party, it’s all gross. The game crashed twice on me during the hour or so that we played giving me this fucking gem of an error:
As I played I felt that fanboy from 1989 returning. Finally around 10:00 I told Kiko I was going to bed but actually just turned off the Xbox and turned on the PS4. I played another hour of COD multiplayer alone just to get the taste out of my mouth. I realise this sounds like those ridiculous comments you read in forum threads about resolution and believe me I hate that stuff as much as the next sane person. I don’t want to sound like one of those idiots but the fact of the matter is the Xbox One is a garbage system for trash people.
-Gabe out