Sep 27

AUS 2019 Pin Quest!
PAX Aus is fast approaching, and with it - as though upon the wings of angels - comes this show’s deliciously arranged Pin Post. Behold!
Best Friend Pin [Starcolt]
Available for purchase at the Starcolt booth #PR07. You can also keep an eye out at @bffgame on Twitter, and starcolt_hq on Instagram, to be in to win a VERY SMALL selection of Best Friend Pins per day!
Projection: First Light Pin [Blowfish Studios]
Available at the Blowfish Studios Booth #PR03 with the completion of a game demo and signing up for our newsletter. The pin will also be available for purchase.
Love Birbs Pin [GenerOZity / GenerOZity Charity]
Available with a donation of $20 or more at the Wombat Theatre in between panels.
Spunky Birb Pin [Samurai Punk]
Available for purchase at the Samurai Punk booth #PR08.
I Support You Pin [Checkpoint]
Available for purchase at the CheckPoint table in the Diversity Lounge or discounted alongside purchase with Coping Companion. All funds raised help continue our efforts to connect mental health resources with video games and technology.
Ring of Pain: Hello Friend Pin [Twice Different]
Available for purchase at the Twice Different booth #AIS 3.
Party Popper: Spikyboi Pin [Giant Margarita]
Available for purchase and each day at 1 pm will have a 1-hour “Beat the Devs Challenge” session at the Giant Margarita booth #37 for a pin giveaway.
I Heart Doom Pin [Reign Absolute]
Available for purchase at the Reign Absolute booth #TT340.
SALE Pin [EB Games]
Head to the EB Games & Zing Pop Culture MegaStore to purchase the pin for $20!
BEESTINGER Pin [Kate Welch]
Available for purchase at the Kris Staub table in Bandland.
Necrobarista: Maddy Xiao Pin [Route 59 Games]
Available for purchase that the Necrobarista booth #PR13.
Fall Guys Pin [Devolver Digital]
Available for purchase or play Fall Guys at the Devolver Digital booth #11440.
Dice Platypus [Level Up Dice]
Available for purchase at the Level Up Dice booth #TT210.
GameMelbourne Pin [Creative Victoria]
A select amount of pins will be available each day at the Marc O Matic’s booth #28 for attendees that download Marc O Matic’s app and play with the presented artwork.
Snow Mercy Snow Slinger Pin [Smashbyte Games]
Available for purchase at the Snow Mercy booth #8.
R6 Tachanka Pin [Ubisoft]
Available to attendees who spend over $40 at the Ubisoft Store booth #1840.
The Pin Chicken [PAX Aus ReedPOP]
Available to trade with PAX Aus ReedPOP Staff at times and places that will be announced via @PAXAus.
Cloisonné of Cthulhu [Chaosium]
Available for purchase at the Aetherworks & Chaosium Inc booth #TT1210.
Doom Slayer’s Club [Bethesda]
Available for the first 50 people to attend the Bethesda Trivia panel, Friday 4:30 pm, the first 150 people to attend the Top Tips for Surviving Hell – DOOM Eternal Live Playthrough, Friday 7:30 pm, and by trading with selected Bethesda staff throughout PAX AUS.
World of Warcraft 15th Anniversary Pin [Blizzard]
Join us in celebrating 15 years of World of Warcraft and the launch of Overwatch Legendary Edition on Nintendo Switch on 16 October! To claim your pin, experience Overwatch Legendary Edition on the Nintendo Booth #1800, play a game of Hearthstone at the Handheld Gaming Lounge, then head to the Razer Booth #3220 and toast to World of Warcraft. Completing these tasks also enters you into the draw for a Blizzard Prize Pack. Tag your journey on Twitter: @Blizzard_ANZ.
Prescribed Respawn [Evil Corporation & Born and Thread]
Attend selected PAX panel sessions, be sure to see one of Evil Corporation & Born and Thread ‘ Doctors ‘ at the end of the session to claim a stamp; three stamps and you get a Prescribed Respawn Prescription (Pin).
PAX AUS 2019 Pin Set
Available at both Official PAX Merch Booths which are located in the Exhibition Centre.
Limited Edition PAX AUS 2019 Pin Set
ONLY available at the PAX Merch Lite Booth located in the Exhibition Centre Concourse Foyer.
Flesh Reaper Kemper Pin
Available at both Official PAX Merch Booths which are located in the Exhibition Centre with any purchase of $65 or more.
Merch 7.0 Pin
Available at both Official PAX Merch Booths which are located in the Exhibition Centre with any purchase of $100 or more.
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