I have survived; if there are any lingering effects vis a vis "the fucking plague" my body will (no doubt) make me aware of them soon. I need to go back and read my post from last year regarding the same show, and see if I found it as easy as this one. A five-day torrent of unrecognized and untreated social anxiety used to make the show a psychic cheese-grater, and each day there was less brain, until it had been processed completely. Such trips were also bookended with sky journeys which felt like dying in slow motion. It is difficult to imagine how a pill could resolve problems of this kind, but I didn't have to invent this pill; all I have to do is put it in my mouth.
Also, a Browncoat gave me a vial of The Black Blood of the Earth; no doubt this liquid ultracoffee had a rejuvenating effect.
We have a new strip today, detailing another frequent con scenario, though not unique to Comic Con and perhaps more prevalent at other types of conventions. My own boundaries for what constitutes Yuck are clearly very different from those of other people, that is what nearly fourteen years of continuous id projection has taught me, but old dudes who are way lech taking pictures of super young cat, elf, and witch girls is a personal line if you thought that maybe I didn't have one. Cataloging and performing that culture are vital, I want to make sure that's understood. But it's got to be possible to take these pictures without your wet tongue hanging out of your actual fucking mouth.
People kept asking me to write things this show, which was most assuredly not the intended result of this strip; that was not my version of Compliment Fishing. I was not asking for more attention - I like doing next to Goddamn nothing! It is the best. On the other hand, when someone asked Gabriel for a Daughters of the Eyrewood sketch, and some text to go with it, I gave her this:
daughter, daughter,
killed her father
look at what her
blood has bought her
which I'll probably put to work in Lookouts: The Tithe, should the Kickstarter get there. The Lookouts comic book blew up at the show, a collaboration with Cryptozoic, and last I heard it had sold completely out. Apparently people inside and outside our traditional readership wanted something like that more than we realized.
I also sold crazy Steam Codes at the show to people who were not aware that our new game had come out - these are enthusiasts of Penny Arcade and the series who still didn't know. I don't like "going H.A.M." on people here in the post about our stuff, you might have noticed that I generally make my associate handle this kind of thing, but if that many people didn't know it means that I haven't pushed it as hard as I thought. Hello, I wrote an RPG for Xbox and PC entitled On The Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3. I made it with Zeboyd Games, who are rad. It slathers Final Fantasy in Grandia sauce, and then bakes it in a humorous crust. People seem to like it! It is literally five dollars.
(CW)TB out.