As suggested previously, I backed some hot sauce on Kickstarter which I understood was bizarre even as I was doing it and I await these "fluids" with an admixture of curiosity and terror.
I love turn based tactics "experiences," whether they take place in the confines of an LCD or with handfuls of metal and plastic, but I will absolutely admit to being obsessed at this particular moment with the travails of tiny men. We've been playing our Warmachine tournaments with a "shot clock," which (combined with the inescapable physicality of movement and resolution) runs an electric finger up your exposed spinal column.
Until this year, I've never attended a single event at San Diego Comic Con that wasn't related to Penny Arcade in some way. After something like a fucking decade, I tracked down the tabletop room and sunk myself into a game called Malifaux that initially made no sense but, by the time I'd completed my first game, my animated doll-witch and her frost fiends had managed to defeat the samurai cowgirl(???).
It was completely diceless, which given my predilection specifically toward dice, worried me. I've played games with diceless resolution systems before, but they tend toward the storytelling end of the spectrum. In this case, something like a modified poker deck manages the numbers with solid theme and aplomb. It reminded me of something I'd heard about at PAX East, Relic Knights, which is currently being started via Kick. Their anime/pin-up vibe might not turn your crank, depending on the faction; systemically, though, buying attacks for models with their deck-based mana equivalent and tying draw to their actions got me cranked up.
There's three days left on the Bones" Kickstarter Reaper is running, and it's gone completely batshit since I looked last. It's at almost a million and a half dollars, in large part because (like the most successful iterations of the model) it has a "happy medium" style pledge that swells with loot as the stretch goals are reached. Called "Vampire" - like Zombicide's "Abomination," or Sedition Wars' "Biohazard" - it's plump to the point now where it's almost a "what the fuck" scenario. It's a good thing that the Bones line being funded consists of plastic minis, because if they fulfilled this order in pewter or white metal it would influence the tilt of the earth, killing billions.
(CW)TB out.