I have to say that we found DJ Hero quite interesting, actually. I understand that it didn't sell particularly well, but that's never been an especially valid barometer of aesthetics.
Ne'er The Twain Shall Meet
We've waged an unrelenting crusade to have Gabe give Modern Warfare 2 a try, to see if he wasn't enthralled by it, or if the experience wasn't (at the very least) preferable to solitude. Our aggressive sales campaign has apparently gripped him because he's double my level, and plays it even in our absence. We haven't talked about it yet, what it is about the game that has him bound thus, but he's certainly not alone. So many people purchase the game just on the 360 that - even though I play it every night - my rank is worse by a hundred thousand or so per day.
Hello dear readers, I would like to tell you a story.
Child's Play 2009 Update!
We launched Child's Play 2009 last week and as of today we've managed to raise $455,863.80. I'm going to give you all a little bit of time to let that number sink in.
Conclusive Evidence
Emotiv's Epoc mind controller device thing doesn't allow you to control other people's minds, which I think is a disappointment to everyone. You can watch a video of Indigo Montoya using it, but since the gameplay is occurring within the confines of his skull, it's difficult to assess. Controlling things with your mind isn't an especially demonstrative activity, almost by definition, which makes the product a difficult sell in a visual culture. In today's strip, we postulate an encounter between our own Gabriel and the contraption. I don't want to spoil it, but we use the device as a prop in order to generate a hilarious effect.
DM's corner
I get a lot of mail from new DM's asking for tips. Some of the stuff I post here will probably be old news to veteran DM's but I think it might be useful to others.
My Playlist
I've been jumping back and forth between a few different games recently. There's just so much good stuff to play right now.
The Minutia-Men
I understand that Modern Warfare 2 is a big release - playing last night, the game informed me that my rank was over two million, and that's just on the Xbox. But the granularity of the coverage it's been receiving projects somewhat beyond the threshold of utility.
At The Midnight Hour
I once made it a point to attend midnight launches, if for no other reason than it offered an excuse to hit Dick's on the way back - around one o'clock or so - when that unassuming burger window becomes the capital of a spontaneous nation.
Child's Play 2009 Is GO
It's back! The ultimate in friction-free, ultra-lightweight charity engines is here, ready to transform the slightest movements of your finger into much-needed respite for young people. Here's what's up:
A Truly Fascinating Phenomenon
We spent quite a bit of time trying to determine how we felt about the Dragon Age situation described in today's comic - a character appears in your camp who offers a questline that is only available in downloadable content. The character is literally a salesman. Is this an act of abominable evil? Or is the mass of this evil sufficient to unfold itself - like a Popple - into a creature capable of love?
My D&D game
My D&D group is so hungry for content that we actually play via email between games. Sometimes it's just the characters talking amongst themselves, other times it's more of a structured skill challenge. I tweeted an example yesterday of one of our exchanges and I got a lot of feedback as well as questions. I thought I'd respond to some of it here rather than trying to tweet back to everyone individually.
PAX East
PAX East is coming up quick and we're going to need some new enforcers to help us out. We will be bringing over about 150 of our west coast enforcers but we'd like to supplement that with another 150 new enforcers from the east coast. Enforcers get into the show for free but in return we work you like a dog. If this sounds like a fair arrangement to you then fill out this enforcer application and mail it to klindsay@penny-arcade.com. We'll be accepting applications until November 25th.
Post Got Truncated Somehow
I un... truncated it(?). In the future, I will assess all posts for truncability.
The Price Of Loyalty
Runic Games is doing the Lord's work, in an robust and unambiguous fashion.
Magic: The Gathering Tactics
Historically, we've had a strange relationship with SOE's John Smedley - though I think it's more or less reached equilibrium now. We received a press release for a new game he's catalyzed over there, namely Magic: The Gathering Tactics, but since we don't run press releases there's no place for that. This being established, I think a lot of their work out of their Tucson and Denver studios is woefully underappreciated, and I want to show some support. I gave him a call yesterday to see if I could find anything out, and while I don't know if I succeeded especially well, if you share my vague enthusiasm for this currently mysterious game, read on. I have taken the liberty of adding smileys where I believe he was being ironical.