***Super Update***
Upon That Shattered Plain
We only get a chance to play actual golf together once or twice a year, and even then I don't "play golf" so much as I ransack the snack cart and offer piquant observations. Every time we do end up on an actual course, any time we spend in transit (that is to say, most of the time) is spent embroidering an imaginary RPG entitled Golgolfa: The Ninth Portal. Golf has a substantial number of RPG hooks, and there are a couple games that take their cues from the massively multiplayer context, but Golgolfa has more to do with how a party of characters would manage a course with their complimentary skills and classes.
Braid On Mac
Hothead ported Braid to the Macintosh, which I thought was very nice of them. The demo is up on Greenhouse, as is the full version, which I suppose follows naturally.
Sega Did What Nintendidn't
Lodged in the crags of my unfinished youth is the memory of loading games from an Audio Cassette.
A Call For Enforcers
It's my responsibility to remind you all that PAX will be Sept. 4th -6th this year. I also need to tell you that those dates will be here before you know it. So if you want to attend PAX this year you should hit the site and pre-register.
Body Movin'
It was Tony Hawk: Ride that pushed him over the edge and into some twisted breed of activism. I keep my instruments here at the office, where additional humans are in ready supply, and the rhythm game experience may approach its theoretical zenith.
At your collective request, we have produced a new hoodie. It looks very much like the one in this picture:
Argumentum Ad Verecundiam
Both of the campaigns Microsoft is running these days - the ones about finding laptops and the newest one, with a cost/benefit analysis of the Zune Pass - just aren't very robust. That is the polite way of saying that they are dumb. Saying that they are dumb is the polite way of saying they're disingenuous, and saying that they are disingenuous is the polite way of saying that the people responsible for them should lose their jobs.
The Splendid Magic of Penny Arcade
So we have a great big hardcover anniversary book coming out early next year. It's called the Splendid Magic of Penny Arcade and I think it's going to be really cool. It's got our favorite comics from all ten years, all our major story lines, including all the CTS strips. It's got a big section about how we make the comic and articles on Child's Play, PAX and the history of PA. It's also got a section of Penny Arcade artwork from some of my absolute favorite artists like Stephen Silver and Scott Kurtz. It's going to be a really great book and I actually just finished up the cover for it yesterday. Here's a sneak peek.
It seems like my players just can't stop twittering during our Monday night D&D games. Kiko actually ends up making a pretty complete log of the evening with pictures and everything. I've had a few people ask me about one of the pics he uploaded from our last game.
Cradle-Song of The Chickenman
Just because he dreamed it doesn't mean it isn't true: The Gambler is on his way to Rock Band. You might recall that Gabriel is attuned to the song, in almost spiritual sense, and the announcement was cause for celebration.
The Carnal Consonant
We have discussed before how some field projected by Gabriel sends forking cracks through the machines in his life, bringing them to ruin. Brenna has a similar effect, but the underlying mechanism is different.
More Like Incorporeal
There was a lot going on, perhaps too much, and when this happens we know someone who can manage this sort of thing reliably. He said/she said entanglements of the sort the Garriott lawsuit is comprised of are fundamentally not fascinating. Might be best here to assert a kind of sci-fantasy undercarriage to his complaint, and move to the next item.
the CTS figure!
I posted these on my Twitter yesterday, but I wanted to make sure you all saw them. These are pictures of the prototype CTS figure.
The Problem With Mystical Orbs
It sounds like the blame can be spread around on the PC side of the equation, but even on the Xbox 360 version of Broken Steel - sharp bit of naming, that - users are making a their strange issues known. Broken Steel is the one I waited for, the "real" expansion which would deepen the charter of the original game. There's a rumor going around about a fourth content drop for Fallout 3 - in what wretched state would such a creature be delivered, I wonder? It's enough to make one consider divination, even taking into account the inherent dangers.
New Painting
I picked up the new Wolverine game on Friday and put maybe five hours into it over the weekend. I've heard it's about ten hours total so I'm only about half way through, but damn this game is a blast. I'm not done with the game yet obviously but here's some stuff I really love about it:
-The lunge move! Locking onto an enemy and then leaping at him like a wild fucking animal is awesome.
-All the combos and finishing moves. Even at the five hour mark I am still killing guys in new and gruesome ways.
-Classic Wolverine costume. The only thing better than dismembering people is doing it while wearing bright yellow tights!
-The skill/mutagen system. You can upgrade wolverine's abilities and slot new mutagens to customize his powers.
-The graphics. They are sweet!
Things I don't like:
-The "Boss fights". Sometimes a giant monster will come after you and the fight quickly devolves into you dodging and then leaping onto his head and pressing x over and over. Not much fun.
This is one case where a demo sold me on the game. Wolverine really wasn't something I had planned on picking up, but I grabbed the demo and had a blast. So far I have not been disappointed with the purchase. If you like a good brawler I say go grab this one.
The other thing I did this weekend is finish my latest painting.