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Follow my Tweets

By Gabe – March 18, 2009

I've really enjoyed getting back into the live shows. I did another yesterday and recorded it. Like I mentioned before, the best way to catch one of these is to follow my Twitter. I'll send the word out via a tweet a few minutes before starting a show. I'll be broadcasting most strips so look for those shows on Tuesday,Thursday and Friday. If you watch the show from yesterday you'll see that I will sometimes answer questions from the live chat. If you want to participate in that you'll need a Ustream account. Also I've had a lot of comments about my musical choices. Everything from "this music is the soundtrack to an abortion" to "Great music...if you're a queer!" so as you can see it really varies. Honestly some people do like it and have asked for my Pandora username so they can check out my station. So if you use Pandora you should be able to search for cwgabriel and see my station. I've been tuning it for a while now and if you like bands like the Weepies, The Postal Service and cats like James Taylor you should enjoy it. 

In Which Much Is Revealed

By Tycho – March 18, 2009

Whenever I read things like this I always feel as though I'm going a little crazy, but it's possible I am more sensitive to shit of this particular variety.

Let This Mask Hide The Tears

By Tycho – March 16, 2009

Over the entirety of my experience with it, Army of Two slowly transformed into a "Net Positive." It was unexpected, and slightly annoying, because when I'm seated on a coruscating throne of black rage, I don't want it melting down into molasses. Optimally, this is a black throne I can hurl edicts from, proclamations with the unyielding vigor of natural law - carried forth by hackling beasts, who are my will made flesh.


Tweet Tweet

By Gabe – March 13, 2009

I've started using Ustream again to broadcast myself drawing the strip. It took me a while to gather the right combination of software for the mac to get the video and audio streaming correctly. It's working great now thanks to Camtwist, Audio Hijack Pro and Soundflowerbed. If you're interested in watching one of these live shows the best thing to do is follow me on Twitter. I should warn you that I don't actually Twitter all that much. You won't see updates when I make a sandwich or stub my toe. I do send out a Tweet before every live show though. I'll also be recording the occasional show like I did yesterday. 

The Nature of Man

By Tycho – March 13, 2009

Every now and then, in Blood on the Sand, 50 Cent or another member of "G-Unit" will make an offhand comment about the architecture.  I doubt very seriously that "strong characterization" was in the product's charter, but these occasional flashes of context made me wonder what kinds of exploration the man could actually sustain.

The Maw Is Now On Greenhouse

By Tycho – March 11, 2009

We are tittering with delight that PAX 10 audience favorite and authentically delicious The Maw can now be had for your Windows PC Computron.  Savor the scrumptious demo, and marvel that even greater delights may be had for only ten dollars.


The New Policy

By Tycho – March 11, 2009

I don't remember the last time I traded in a video game, and this is coming from someone who - at one point - had an EB Games "Edge" card with over five hundred dollars in credit on it. I used to have no more than three or four games per system because I routinely harvested my collection with no hint of remorse. A couple years ago I began to wonder if the practice was on solid footing - if it had, as its outcome, the nourishment of an industry that had so elevated my leisure hours. I had no good answer, and as such, could not act.

Dwarven Forge

By Gabe – March 10, 2009

I'm going to preface this post by saying that my job is rad. I cannot thank you all enough for letting me do this shit.

So a while back I mentioned the Dwarven Forge. They make some really cool 3D terrain for table top games and I was curious about how it worked. Well the Dwarven Forge guys saw it and actually sent me a set to try out. It showed up yesterday which was perfect since Monday is our game night. I was able to use what they sent me to construct the first two encounters of the night and my players loved it.


The first thing I noticed when I cracked the box open was just how heavy the individual pieces are. I had imagined them sliding all around the table as people move their minis but they don't. not only do they have enough heft to stay where you put them, but they have really classy felt bottoms.

The PAX 10 Is Open For Submissions

By Tycho – March 9, 2009

As you may recall, the PAX 10 is our annual independent games showcase - the entries are judged by a panel of gamers, journalists, and industry veterans, and the top ten entries set up shop in a booth we provide in the PAX Exhibition Room.  It was a huge draw last year for pretty much everyone, so it's an amazing opportunity to get your stuff in front of people.  We'll be accepting submissions through May 9th, which will probably come sooner than you think. 


By Tycho – March 9, 2009

The Kindle has begun to proliferate substantially here, so that almost half the people I work with either own one currently or stand on the threshold, hands clasped, awaiting its imminent arrival.


This Is Too Awesome

By Tycho – March 6, 2009

1up is running an anti-drug campaign based on the idea that getting high will affect your usefulness in raids.

Democracy Exposed

By Tycho – March 6, 2009

You might have heard that we were recently honored by the state of Washington. We do not absorb accolades especially well, being surrounded by a nearly impermeable membrane of self-doubt and residual teen vengeance. Even so, the grandeur of the setting elevated things to almost New Hope, medal ceremony levels. The addition of the following line:

More like Crashzone

By Gabe – March 4, 2009

So i attempted to dedicate last night to Killzone's multiplayer. I'd jumped in a few times before and really enjoyed it. I had planned to spend last night trying to unlock some new equipment. The game had other plans though. Last night I experienced two hard crashes, each one eradicating all my work in that particular match. The first one I decided to just accept and roll with but the second one was too much. After nearly thirty minutes of play the game locked up and after restarting I saw that none of my points from that match had been calculated. That's a deal breaker for me. I'm a big fan of persistence. I like the idea that the time I invest in a game is earning me new skills and abilities. The problem is that if you're going to make my time with the game valuable, you can't ever fucking steal it from me. If WOW crashed and I lost a night's worth of XP I'd never play it again. Tycho told me that this happened to him in Asheron's Call and it was the reason he quit. So I'm done with Killzone until I hear about a patch of some kind. It's not like I'm hurting for other games to play.  

The Old Ways

By Tycho – March 4, 2009

I don't play in Gabriel's campaign, and I don't run it, but still I am present. I am there in the eager, thirsting roots of the gravetree, in every primal ululation of some forgotten race. Whenever he runs something by me, I am quick to suggest that it could be substantially more brutal. His group can scarcely believe the stories I tell them about earlier versions of the game, of sundered stats and experience loss and THAC0, when players could win and still lose.