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SecuROM Update

By Tycho – May 9, 2008

EA has chosen to dial back the authentication requirements on both Spore and Mass Effect. It's still SecuROM, but it's the SecuROM most PC gamers have come to grudgingly accept as opposed to this new 1984 shit. (CW)TB

I Am Misting Up

By Tycho – May 9, 2008

I'd like to say just how overjoyed am that a word like "arrondissement" is floating around in one of his posts. I think I'm going to print it out. (CW)TB

Leaving on a jet plane

By Gabe – May 9, 2008

So I couldn't really mention it before because it was a surprise, but now the cat is out of the bag so I can talk about it. One of the other major reasons I decided to try the anti anxiety medication was that I wanted to surprise my wife with a trip to Paris for her birthday. I used get nervous just going downtown so going to a foreign country was never even a possibility. I've been on the medication for a while now though and I honestly feel like I'm ready for the trip.


Desperate Measures

By Tycho – May 9, 2008

Gamers don't agree on a whole hell of a lot. You can't even get them to agree that, in general, pirating software is bad. Some people simply won't concede it. Forget trying to convince them that it's bad - you'd have hard time getting some people to admit that, in some very rare cases, piracy is incrementally less than good. It's not difficult to find truly exultant tales of piracy that brim with the zeal of true nautical adventure. It is as though downloading illicit ISOs is the only way a man can truly exert his will on the flexing, undulating evil of a corrupt universe.

Kids Today

By Tycho – May 7, 2008

For the longest time, I labored under some pretty fanciful ideas about genitalia.


The Expected Result

By Tycho – May 5, 2008

If your Wii is not used exclusively for bowling when your parents are over, you probably get excited when even the most rudimentary sort of game is released. This is because Wii games that even reach the level of "adequate" are not especially common. Speaking from our own experience, we're hungry for almost any opportunity to make use of the machine, and each time it happens we're reminded how much we enjoy using it. Recently we've had both the means and opportunity, with a pockets of time during the day and a (comparative) deluge of first party software.


By Gabe – May 2, 2008

I tried to record all of yesterday's show but it got cut off for some reason. You can still see the entire inking process and a good chunk of the coloring. There should be another show this afteroon when I draw Monday's comic.


By Gabe – May 2, 2008

People tend to either really like PA or absolutely hate it. I've met very few people who are "on the fence" about what we do here. We're really just lucky that enough people enjoy fruit fuckers and deep crows to let us make a living off this. We always figured that this phenomenon would translate over to the game when review scores started to hit. The first few numbers are just now coming out and it looks like we were right.


Making An Impression

By Tycho – May 2, 2008

This probably happens to everybody. Next time we're late for a date, I think we need to steal a vehicle that doesn't sport such a large, almost inescapable grill.

Important info!

By Gabe – April 30, 2008

Just a quick reminder that May 7th is the deadline for submitting your independent game to the PAX 10. Once we've got all the submissions we'll have our panel of 50 industry experts digest them until we're left with 10 stand out titles. Those ten will then be showcased at PAX 2008. For all the details hit the PAX 10 site located here.


By Tycho – April 30, 2008

I discovered yesterday that lunch is not a meal, as I had originally understood, but is in fact a form of currency.