To Catch A Predator: Rapture
We never sit down with the firm intention of making another Bioshock comic - indeed, we intend the opposite - but somehow Bioshock comics continue to be written. One day, science will pierce these mysteries. Until then, you'll simply have to endure more strips regarding interactive storytelling's electronic opus.
More Omegathon
I found a couple more really nice videos of the intro to the final round of the Omegathon. In case you missed it here's a couple different looks at it. This was easily the most elaborate thing we've ever tried to pull off at the show.
we are in Wired
Wired has a pretty big article about Penny Arcade in it's latest issue. We've done a lot of interviews but Wired actually sent a writer named Chris Baker out to spend a few days in our office. Sort of like a geek version of Jane Goodall, He hung out with us all day and took notes while we played games and made the comic. Chris interviewed everyone here and even found time to question our wives and friends. Living with us the way he did I think he managed to get some pretty candid stuff out of Tycho and I. Things we might never have divulged during a standard interview. By the end of the week I think we all considered Chris a friend and a valuable addition to any Halo 3 team. The resulting article is a pretty complete look at our little company here as well as the most honest interview I think anyone's ever managed to get out of us. If you're interested you can read it online right here.
-Gabe out
PAX 2007
Today's strip was actually drawn on stage at PAX on Saturday. Just like last year I had a little fun once the comic was done. I promised everyone in the theatre I'd post the PAX edit once I got home so here it is.
On PAX (And Also Packs)
This is the comic that we drew - well, that Gabe drew, from my flawless transcription - upon the storied stage at PAX 2007. I'm proud of him, actually - he braved the tabletop floor in search of a game, a Gabriel first. Let me also relate with some pride that he now keeps his cards in a sealed deckbox. When he begins playing with a fully sleeved deck, know this: tears will flow.
Harrowing, Says Gamespot
We still think about Eye of Judgment quite a bit - sometimes I will sit in silence and think about it, or think about it while I lay dormant in my charge casket. I think about placing cards carefully on its luxurious cloth mat, smirking as distant foes are gnawed by my lizard proxies. We are overjoyed (joymax!) that they stuck with the new concept, the card thing, as opposed to the brutally sardonic original.
My Comeuppance
Rhythm games aren't my forte, but I have a lot of inbuilt experience with meter which helps me fake it until I can build genuine skill. And, as rhythm elements have crept into the entire medium, Tycho stock has been in a boom phase. It's understandable, then, that while I soar and illuminate - and Gabriel sputters, bound to earth - tensions related to my prowess have begun to burn red-hot. That is, until they cool again. These things have a way of working themselves out in the fullness of time.
Bioshock Demo Now Available For PC
It's floating around now, out there on the Wub, and it calls to you. Or maybe it does, I don't actually know. In any case, it can be got from 3D Downloads, the Fileplanets, GamersHell, or WorthDownloading. Download it from mulltiple sites simultaneously for a naughty thrill. God only knows how this would run on my Vista rig at home, but it's a Vista rig, so you can probably guess.
Delight Your Friends With These Fun Facts
With PAX coming up this weekend (!!!), we didn't really have time on Friday to invest in Virgil's Wikiscanner - that mystical oracle that takes a raw IP range and then excretes a list of that organization's Wikipedia edits. This is the pulsing, possibly Martian device that dished up last week's awesome Electronic Arts edits.
PAX 2007!
A Dark Recipe
Alright - this should be the last Bioshock comic we do until the game is released on Tuesday. Monday's comic? Could be anything: immolations, loose arachnids, you name it. No doubt come Wednesday, the prior obsession will assert itself.
Scornful Garments For A Cynical Age
Ahh, merchandise! It's pounding on the door, trying to get in!
Nobody Around Here Is Selling The Game
I don't know why I get my hopes up reading shit about "broken street dates" online, I'm perpetually disappointed by the results. I got a game on the actual ship date five years ago, and it's made me into some kind of Goddamned optimist. There are scattered reports that people have picked them up, and you may invest your time in this way if you are desperate, but I apologize for wasting your time.
Our Continuing Series
With a couple days placed between this post and the release of the Bioshock demo, I feel far more comfortable discussing it. You know what I do, now: for example, you know that the Playable Intro as a storytelling mechanism has been refined to a ridiculous degree. You've felt the jolt of voyeurism, peering into human lives via found audio. And, perhaps most importantly, you know the dangers that plasmids pose to the young.
Mass Effect Video Display Projection Image
I watched this video myself on Friday, and then watched it again, and then watched it a third time when Khoo came in - providing commentary throughout, which I'm almost certain was unwelcome. I urge you not to watch the embedded, nasty version over at GameVideos, but to take advantage of their "Download" or "Watch Larger Version" options. This way, you can obsess as I have - pausing on each screen of the character generator or battle interface, drinking deep of their forbidden texts.