Last year when I sat down to make the previous laser cell I figured I’d do something with Gabe and Tycho in it. When I posted the image I came up with the response I got was that it was cool but didn’t really seem like “laser cell” material. I guess it felt more like a poster and so that’s what we ended up using it for. I talked to people about it and it seems like since you see Gabe and Tycho pretty much every day any thing they are in just feels sort of common or at the very least not really really special which is the whole point of the laser cells. Since I did Twisp and Catsby the first year, and the CTS last year I tried to think of another side character that I could give some extra attention to via a print. After going through the archives for a while I landed on Dr Raven Darktalon Blood and he just felt right to me. Some people have expressed an interest in seeing how I arrive at a print like this and I’m happy to share some of my process with you.