When Gabe says that Stephen Silver "...is probably my biggest influence as an artist and having him do a sketch of one of my characters was a real treat" I need you to know that this is the most gigantic understatement that has ever been magnetically inscribed on a hard disk array. Let me tell you a story about Gabe and Mr. Silver.
San Diego Comic-con
I had a really great time in San Diego this year. I'd like to thank everyone who came out to our booth. We really appreciate it.
Last Rites, Part One
I'm glad we decided to reserve this Last Rites thing for when we got back - Gabe pretty much took a day to do it, something that wouldn't have been possible for any one of a hundred reasons while we were at the convention. So, Friday wraps it up, unless our climactic battle rages on longer than originally intended, which is usually the way of such things.
San Diego Sketches: The Phad Thai
There are other things to do at this convention, like finding out what the next Star Wars movie is called or seeing a preview of the Firefly movie, but we wouldn't know - we're in the dealer room pretty much the whole time. Con attendees know perfectly well what dangers exist in there, such as the dangers of buying expensive bullshit with your food money, and that's why they leave it from time to time. Imagine some depraved Vegas invention which could, in a single iteration of its evil purpose, obliterate your savings and replace the real artifacts of your life with convincing replicas of the sword from Lord of the Rings. This is not some dark fantasy. This is something that can actually happen, if you lack the cunning to contend with the treacherous dealer room and its huckster denizens.
Our Comic-Con Mea Culpa
The somewhat elaborate Cardboard Tube Samurai adventure that we wrote is, if not impossible, certainly improbable from the laptop - unfortunately, this took hours to figure out. It's something that we'll do properly on Wednesday and Friday - for the time being, here are our two offerings as a conciliatory gesture. It turns out that my hotel does have Internet, and it's free, even - but that support is extremely porous. Indeed, it only appears to function properly in a five by five area, easily discernable by the dog pile of geeks all trying to get five bars of wireless signal.
The Wandering Age: Last Rites
This is the current plan, don't hold me to it - we've got a CTS: Wandering Age comic up today, called Last Rites. You'll know what happened when you read it. Now, it has become tradition that we upload a sketch of some sort on days where we are gallavanting far from home. Hopefully you enjoy that sort of thing, but let's be clear - they are fun for us to do, but I'm not above admitting there is a certain pragmatism to the format.
We are leaving tomorrow for San Diego. I hope you come by and see us at Comic-Con.
The Newest Technology
With Doom 3's precise ship date in hand, now is the time to lavish affection on our machines - or the machines of others, when your console gaming friends suddenly remember that they own a computer. They'll slum down here with us for the major releases, sure - but they secretly wish they were jumping on mushrooms, or one of the other surreal fantasies they indulge in.
Halo 2 update in our forum
Bungie decided to make their most recent Halo 2 update in our forum. They are all really nice guys and had they told me of their intentions I would have begged them to reconsider. They post these updates in forums all the time but I don’t think they really understood just how bad ours is. The only reason it still exists is because at some point someone in there will blow up a nursing home full of senior citizens and the FBI will want a history of their online activities. It’s really just a big pile of evidence that we’ll hand over to the authorities the second they stop posting pictures of their asses and start killing people.
Our booth
As you can see from the image above, our booth at San Diego is going to be shit hot. As usual I’ll be drawing sketches for anyone who wants one. We’re also going to give away a special edition Halo Xbox that I’ve doodled all over. Anyone who comes by the booth can drop their name in the bucket. On the last day of the con we’ll draw a winner.
She Might Have Struck A Nerve
Gabriel has a unique... "relationship" I guess you would call it with a certain Spider-man. I'm just saying it's a touchy subject. So, if for example you are Kirsten Dunst, who plays Mary Jane, and you let fly in some interview that you think Spider-Man should die and and be replaced by the bulbous "spider-baby" fruit of your mutant union, it's not going to go over well.
WoW Contest Winners
I'll make these things presentable soon, but I wanted to let the winners know the extent of their good fortune.
I don't use caps lock a lot but I figured it was okay here.
Beth And Gary Soft
It's amazing the things you can find at junk sales.
An Alternate Lifestyle, Part 5
The final act of our indefensible alliance with continuity has been uploaded for your perusal. Before Sunday's Guildhall event, we got up at fuck o'clock to play golf here. It's pretty much official, the sport stuck. If I have the compulsion to do something even two times, that's not just enthusiasm - it's virtually tradition.