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The District Manager

By Tycho – April 19, 2004

Reader Appreciation Month went on hiatus for a brief period, and for that we apologize. We're back on track, though - here's a little Frank for your trouble.


By Gabe – April 16, 2004

If You Have A Moment

By Tycho – April 16, 2004

Penny Arcade reader Jared Samborski has set up a gaming survey for his senior statistics class, and it would really help him if you would go and fill it out. Apparently, it's very difficult to get information like this out of companies, but it's the information he needs, so maybe we can give it to him.



By Gabe – April 16, 2004

Wow, there is a huge update over at the Cardboard Tube Showdown website. They wanted me to let you guys know that the project is not dead. Judging by the latest batch of screenshots they appear to be making some real progress. I think the new Porkfry character is especially awesome.

And Lo

By Tycho – April 16, 2004

The dialogue about World of Warcraft's new "Rest State" system is completely fascinating to me. It's one feature out of a ton in the new beta they just dropped - in case you are not an absolute news weirdo and don't know what I'm talking about, I'll give you the rundown.


By Gabe – April 15, 2004

Some of you asked for a larger version of the Saga of Ryzom artwork that’s in our new advertisement. So here you go:


Goblin Tinker

By Tycho – April 14, 2004

Though it was widely considered an April Fool's Day prank - along with playable Two-Headed Ogres - apparently the Goblin Tinker is (in fact) the real deal. He comes along with a new 1.5 patch for Warcraft III that will be going into beta shortly. People have been wanting me to mention their petitions or whatnot for a new Warcraft patch, I guess now I don't have to.

Gabriel's Primary Concern

By Gabe – April 14, 2004

Tycho has come down with a pretty nasty cold, so I told him to take the day off and get some rest. I'll be logging into WOW occasionally just to make sure the son of a bitch isn't power leveling all day.


By Gabe – April 13, 2004

I promised I would deliver some tips for playing the merc side in Splinter Cell: PT multiplayer. So here you go:



By Gabe – April 13, 2004

I think it’s interesting that the “Gabe” wallpaper has had nearly 1000 more downloads than the “Tycho” wallpaper. What do you suppose that says about his worth as a human being? I have my own thoughts.