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a little bit more

By Gabe – December 10, 2003

Okay Squidi you linked to the site about copyrights so let’s use it. Let me say though that this is nuts. We are talking about someone using a heavily modified version of your highly derivative sprite art as a forum avatar. This is not something that would ever make it to a court. For the sake of argument though let’s say it did. This is from the web site you linked to pal. These are the questions that would need to be addressed in court to determine if the artwork was covered under fair use.


By Gabe – December 10, 2003

Squidi had this to say regarding my post:

Just wow

By Gabe – December 10, 2003

I don't generally comment on stuff that's going on in the forum but this is just crazy. For those of you not brave enough to venture into the forum let me give you the scoop on the latest drama.

The Wonderful World of Words

By Tycho – December 10, 2003

You have probably heard about killography, the new word coined by the National Institute on Media and the Family to describe our depraved entertainments. Yes, Spell Checker, that is now a word. We do not dispute that it is a lot of fun - perhaps even stuponfucious - to invent new words to describe the events in our world. We also think there are perfectly acceptable words that exist already, whole books full of words, some of which are capable of describing gratuitous violence. The trouble is, they just don't pack the propaganda punch cultural watchdogs crave.



By Gabe – December 8, 2003

We have outgrown the tiny garage that we are currently keeping the toys in. Thankfully Amaze Entertainment has offered to donate some much needed warehouse space. So a big thank you to the folks at Amaze for helping us out on this.

I like

By Gabe – December 8, 2003

So I think today’s comic strip is my new favorite Penny Arcade. It replaces my old favorite which was this one.


By Gabe – December 6, 2003

We were just on the local news! Check it out here.


Awesome case!

By Gabe – December 6, 2003

I actually worked for Gamespy for about a year. This was a while ago but every once in a while you can still see some of my artwork on the site. It’s true that I think the company is sort of floundering right now, but while I was there I met some really cool people. One of my Gamespy friends was another artist I worked with. A very talented guy named Paul Searles. After getting laid off from Gamespy around the same time I did, he went on to start his own computer company. He’s been hard at work for a while now and he just mailed me to let me know that they are unveiling their new case with a huge ad in the next edition of PC Gamer. He gave me a little sneak peak and I wanted to share it with you guys.

It's Actually NewStore

By Tycho – December 5, 2003

Yes, that's right - I told you the wrong e-mail address to mail about Store stuff, two minutes after I created the account with a name of my own choosing. I'm really very smart.

Sweet Fancy Moses!

By Gabe – December 5, 2003

64,000 dollars worth of toys and cash donations! I need to write that out again…64,000 dollars worth of toys and cash donations!


Everybody's Favorite... Thing

By Tycho – December 5, 2003

They're not joining together in any visible way, and we must continue to endure their combined editorial output, so the announcement that GameSpy and IGN are merging is just like seeing Gamespy steal a furtive kiss from IGN at recess. When I read those sites, I am often struck by how little I actually want to. That sounds insulting, but I'm really trying to make a point. I don't read Car and Driver or Hot Rod or Good Housekeeping as a matter of course, but if I'm in a Dentist's office I'm going to reach over and flip through it. I have absolutely no investment in them. I read it because it's there.

More Pics

By Tycho – December 4, 2003

Just uploaded them, you can check them out at the Child's Play site - the new stuff starts at 26.


By Gabe – December 4, 2003

The first two pages of our Rainbow Six comic are now live. My friends who have seen all the pages keep telling me this is the best stuff I’ve ever done. I know I’ve certainly pushed myself really hard on this project and come up with some stuff that I’m really proud of. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Tycho is really nailing the story and the dialogue. When he delivers a script as good as the one he’s making for R6 I sort of feel like the son of a bitch is trying to steal my thunder. So then I work even harder to make the visuals really kick ass. I can’t wait for you guys to see the next couple of pages.

Wonderful Days

By Gabe – December 3, 2003

Maybe you have already seen this but I hadn’t. This movie looks incredible.