There are some items for which there are no analogues. Case in point.

There are some items for which there are no analogues. Case in point.
Is Anjin-San a Shogun reference?
God has struck another crushing blow against our online store. This entire process of trying to sell things online has been a huge learning experience for all of us here at the Arcade. I’d like to apologize to everyone out there who has been on the receiving (or should I say not receiving) end of the problems we’ve had with the store. Orders that arrive late or in some cases not at all are certainly not how we intended this to work. I do however hope that you will give us one more chance to make things right. Were as before we thought we could get away with building the store ourselves with the help of some well meaning friends we now see that isn’t possible. Our new store is currently being constructed and hosted by a company whose job it is to build and host online stores. Totally rebuilt from the ground up and using and entirely different scripting language, this new mega-store will shine like a beacon, guiding lost and wearing shoppers through the tumultuous sea of online shopping and into the safe harbor and sandy beaches of Penny Arcade merchandise.
Strange post ahead. Maybe you should just go.
If you are interested in learning a bit more about Alias Sketchbook Pro, check out this tutorial I did.
If you play R63, and my friends list is full of people that do, you might be interested in this tournament they're having. Looks like 2v2 Team Survival, and it starts this Friday.
I was so consumed with Child's Play and personal holiday garbage that I neglected to thank our sponsors, which were kind enough to pay my rent. Could you stop by these links today? None of them are stupid, in fact, they're all pretty good.
And now, the winners of the We're Right Awards.
I just don't have the mechanisms to interface with normal people, and every family visit just emphasizes the fact. I just referred to my mother-in-law as "The beast spoken of in Revelations." This stuff just comes out, and I don't know how to get it back in.
With seventy five years of history, the We're Right Awards is the definitive ceremony of its kind. Let's look in.
I don't know why it isn't working, I uploaded it, no matter what that stupid server says. Here's a direct link to the file, I'll have to screw around with it when I get back from the toy thing.
Anyone wondering whether we're right or not will be silenced forever by the 75th Annual We're Right Awards. The games that made the most profound impressions on us will be paraded before you, barring a few anomalies like Crystal Chronicles which hasn't had a domestic release. Without further ado...
Check out the awesome Christmas present Lesley made for her boyfriend Dave!
1. You guys are incredible!