But do you have this one?

But do you have this one?
I have all kinds of pictures.
I sure wish I could spend the day browsing for pictures of bears on Google instead of working on new T-shirt designs for Penny Arcade. It must be nice.
I guess I misspelled one word. I am so fucking sorry. I sure hope the spelling police don’t come and get me. Honestly I’m surprised you even saw my post, what with your busy morning of not putting up a news post until nine in the morning. Funny, the comics always go up by midnight.
You must have a different spell-checker than I do, one that includes non-existent words. Craptacualr? Is that some kind of bear?
I did spell check it asshole.
Well my art auction that I mentioned yesterday is still going on for a few more days. I really appreciate those of you bidding exorbitant amounts of money but I want to make sure you understand that if you win the auction, that number you bid represents the amount of real money you will need to pay me. Honestly though I am flattered that so many of you find my work so desirable. Maybe if I wasn’t such a pack rat you’d see auctions like this more often than once ever couple of years.
Spell check that.
Activision should have started a class action lawsuit against Viacom. Then all of us could have signed on and got some damages from this shit. Something like this maybe?"
Did I just invent a new word? Or was it already there?
Did any of you catch this Viacom/Activision shit? We found it fascinating, and utilizing a mysterious procedure we converted this fascination into strip form. Essentially, Activision is suing Viacom because Star Trek sucks. It's strange, because I've been thinking about the intersection of Videogames and Star Trek a good deal lately. I am not the guy that knows the names of all the episodes, but I do have what I think is a healthy affection for this "franchise." Healthy, of course, being a relative term.
The last time I sold original artwork on Ebay was probably two and a half or three years ago. I don’t sell original artwork for two reasons. One, I hate to part with my drawings. I like packing them away in boxes and stuffing them in the closet. In fact, I still have drawings I did in the fifth grade. The second reason I don’t sell art is because I am embarrassed. I remember about a year ago I saw a drawing by Prio fetch some un-Godly sum of money and I thought “well that’s it, you can never auction off a drawing again.”
I just got back from Spokane this afternoon. It’s not a super long drive, only about 4 and half hours or so but it’s really ugly. When people think of Washington State my guess is they think of green trees and snow capped mountains. Well the fact is that accurately represents only about 10 percent of Washington. The other 90 percent is ass ugly desert and farm land with nothing to look at except cows and dust clouds.
If you have any money left over after Scott McCloud's comic, and now you're hooked on micropaying for things, maybe you could get your next fix here. Joshua Ellis sells his album Love Songs For Bastards with their system, I guess it's the future of content distribution or something, but the previews of his tracks sound pretty good. In the future, or any other time.
My last newspost on Monday looked like this.